5 Considerations to Avoid HCM Implementation Disaster

Marlo Hertling

Integrated Human Capital Management (HCM) provides the most cost effective and streamlined business intelligence solution for your organization. When it comes to implementing a new HCM solution its success depends on the front end planning and strategy that is laid out. Here are some key considerations for implementing a fully integrated HCM solution.

How to Avoid Disaster When Implementing Your Human Capital Management Solution

1. Preparing for implementation success

  • Secure executive support for the implementation;
  • Engage a diverse HCM implementation team;
  • Clearly define what is in-scope and out-of-scope for this project;
  • Know your business requirements;
  • Set measurable objectives that align with your strategy, and more.

2. Preparing your organization for change

  • Start communicating about the change well before it takes place;
  • Document all process changes and share them throughout your organization.

3. Your responsibilities vs. vendor responsibilities

Your vendor knows their software best. Here are a few ways they can add the most value:

  • Helping you focus on the need-to-haves rather than the nice-to-haves;
  • Providing a detailed project plan and identifying key milestones;
  • Providing implementation workbooks so they can understand your set-up requirements;
  • Mapping and converting your existing data into the new solution, and more.

You know your business best. You can add the most value by:

  • Clearly articulating your current and future desired state;
  • Providing dedicated resources when required for training, testing and go-live;
  • Knowing your data and providing clear descriptions, and more.

4. Follow best practices

  • Use the data conversion as an opportunity to cleanse and verify the data you currently have;
  • Build in a contingency fund;
  • Provide documentation of your current practices and of your desired state to your vendor;
  • Have one point of contact and clearly define responsibilities and deadlines of all those involved;
  • Set a realistic timeline and assess any roadblocks that could impact implementation, and more.

5. Measuring HCM implementation success

At the end of the implementation, conduct a review of the implementation and acknowledge successes and insights that can be applied to future implementations.

About the Author

Marlo Hertling

Marlo Hertling has worked with leading HCM organizations and has been helping Canadian companies implement HCM solutions for more than 15 years. She is the Vice President of People & Culture at Avanti Software Inc and serves as Avanti's HCM subject matter expert.

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